Anrdroid Send/Receive Data With Arduino Via Bluetooth – Part 1

Harry's Developer Blog

In the last three posts I went through the basic steps to send data from an Android device to an Arduino using a bluetooth serial module. That was fun and all but it would be better if the Arduino could send data back to the Android device. With functionality like that there a lot more plausible uses for the technology. For this example I am going to go through the steps to make a 4 channel voltage logger but with a few minor changes this could be used to send/receive practically anything.

All files used are available on GitHub here.

Like last time, lets get the Arduino stuff out of the way first. For this project I have made a simple sketch and circuit that takes four analog inputs A0-A3 and then converts the values to 2dp float voltage values. The values are then displayed on the LCD screen…

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I am interested in Android and Web development, Open Street Map editing and looking for new things connected to the maps and spatial data. I enjoy making stuff and understanding how the stuff works. I can code in many programming languages and I am really having fun of it. When having free time I am taking care of my apps and write some content on my blog. I enjoy the countryside, which is giving me opportunities for photography. My favourite motto from Albert Einstein is: "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough."

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